Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We Saved Him!

One of the ways we included our children in ministry was allowing them to go with Doug on visitation. Each son was allowed a turn to go with their dad to homes, hospitals or even some meetings.

There were many rules and instructions given as they prepared to go with dad. We were careful to explain how important it was for them not to distract so God could speak to the person they were visiting. They were to sit still, pray quietly, listen and not touch anything! Does that sound like some of your rules?

On one visit it was Stephen's turn to go. He was very excited. They were visiting an older man that lived across the street from the church. He had been visited by every minister that ever served at the church. He just was not interested. Like the minister's before him, Doug had visited him early in his new ministry.

This would be Doug's second visit to his home. He had seen him in his yard the previous Sunday and felt he needed to go see him again.

Doug and Stephen had been gone for about an hour when my phone rang. When I answered I heard a very soft, whispering voice saying, "Mom, can you hear me?" My heart went into fast gear and I immediately said, "Stephen, what are you doing, whose phone are you using?" (There were no cell phones in those days) The next thing I heard in a very loud, shouting voice was, "WE SAVED HIM, MOM, WE SAVED HIM!!!"
(He crept away into the man's kitchen to use his phone, while his dad continued to talk)

Of course, Jesus saved that dear man, but my son was able to see God work and participate in his dad's ministry. Stephen's excitement could not wait, he had to share immediately. Help your children get excited about ministry by including them each day as a team member.

Eccl. 3:14a "I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever."


Anonymous said...

That is so cool! How old did you start doing this with your kids? Just curious because my oldest is 4 and I don't think she would sit quietly (I know that for a fact as we took her on visitation today to an older lady's house and all she could say was, "Mom, I'm hungry!"

k said...

We started at a young age, but would make it at very short visits. Example dropping off food or cards at homes, front porch visits.

We would practice at home and they looked forward to it. I think Stephen was around 7 at the visit mentioned in blog.