Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Day I was Called a Beth Moore

At the Tennessee Ministers’ Wives Retreat in March, I was called one of the “Beth Moore” bloggers for our site.  I am quite certain that I may have laughed and spewed chocolate from my mouth onto Kathy Britton as she said these words.  If I did, Kathy, I apologize and I hope the chocolate stain comes out of your clothes.

Seriously, NO ONE has ever referred to me like that.  When I think of Beth Moore, I think of someone who is deep in the word daily and who prays constantly.  Oh, I know she has fun and enjoys laughing and fellowshiping with friends. 

On the other hand, I try to have my daily quiet time and discern what the Lord is saying to me that day.  However, there are days I get so caught up in the “to-do” list that my quiet time slides to the side. 

I do pray through out the day.  My prayers are little short, snippets like “Lord, watch of my family,” or “Lord, help me have a good attitude toward so and so and not want to slap them in Jesus’ name.”  Yes, I do pray but sometimes my prayers are shallow and empty.  My best time to pray is when I am heading to bed.  It calms me down and I can be grateful for the Lord’s protection throughout the day.

Oh, and doesn’t Beth Moore do public speaking?  Girlfriends, pass the Pepto!  Yes, I have done some retreats and break out sessions at conferences.  I have been a main character in Christmas and Easter productions in front of crowds at church.  However, I have never stood on a stage in front of thousands of women and delivered God’s message.  Every time I stand in front of a group I shake in my shoes.  (Oh, and never put me in front of or lock me in with thirty preschoolers.  That’s another story for another time).

Kathy, I am quite honored you consider me a “Beth Moore” blogger.  However, as I always say, I am a “beach bum, chocoholic, crazy preacher’s wife who loves Jesus and laughing with my girlfriends.”

By the way, Kathy is just as crazy as I am if not crazier.  It is my joy to call her friend. 

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