Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Grace Under Fire

Seventeen years ago, I after completing high school, I finally received my college degree.  It was difficult juggling marriage, a high school son and a junior high son, attending ALL their ballgames and helping with homework, plus encouraging my husband who was in his doctorate studies, and managing all the housework and my homework.  In addition, I had to drive an hour and a half each way to attend class.  This meant leaving home early in the morning and not arriving home until 7-8 p.m.  It was exhausting.  Many days when I arrived for class, my mood and attitude was often less than Christian. Let’s just say I LIVED on Peanut M & M’s to calm my nerves. 

The workshops I took required freelance writing assignments.  These assignments were then presented before my peers and the professor for review.  For the most part, my assignments received rave reviews. However, one professor spewed venomous criticism.  Because I stood up for my Christian valves and would not write vulgar material, she regarded my work as trash.  Her words were very hurtful and damaging.  Finally, in a private meeting with her where she once again was rude and snide, I had had enough.  Quite frankly, I threw my pen down on her desk and stated my beliefs and opinions of her narrow mindedness then I left her office.  No, it was not the best way to handle the professor.  I realize now years later that she was a hurting person who need me to reflect Christ regardless of how I was treated.

Ladies, I am sure that within your churches you have faced critics who are poised to destroy you.  You take and take but eventually their words break you.  Recently, a person in our church sent out several letters to various members.  The letter was poorly written and raged against the church staff.  This person did not want salvation preached, did not believe in evangelism, and hated all the music in our services.  They wanted everything their way no matter the cost.  Funny, this person was not brave enough to sign the tirade, but the members and church staff who received it knew exactly who it was.

Sadly, this individual is known in our church as a troublemaker.  They have been asked to leave at least four other churches in our area because of their destructive nature.  For now, our church staff has decided to ignore the comments and keep following God’s leadership for the church.  The members of the church who received the letter have spoken out in support of the church staff to other members.
Although I do not go out of way to reach out to this individual, I have prayed for their heart to be convicted.  I have asked the Lord to help them realize the damage they are doing to the His Kingdom.  This person’s rage is not really directed at the staff but at God and they will one day answer for their actions. 

Girlfriends, as long as we are in ministry there will be critics.  Take a moment today to read Nehemiah 6:1-9.  It is about the opposition Nehemiah faced in rebuilding the wall.  Despite of the opposition’s attack and lies, Nehemiah kept at his God given purpose and asked the Lord to “strengthen his hands.”

May God strengthen our ministries to face whatever Satan decides to throw our way.

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