The note that accompanied the sweet gift made it all the sweeter. She wrote that she felt I had some "amazing ideas" and that she had thought of me when she saw my simple journal. I decided that I would indeed use my new journal to write "amazing ideas," but what my dear friend may not have known, was that I knew the ideas that could and would fill these blank pages would probably not be exclusively my own.
From social media posts to sermon notes, from my daily scripture reading to more intense Bible study, God impresses His truth upon me all the time - if I would only open my eyes to see and my ears to hear. He does indeed speak to me. He does show me things . . .
My simple, pink journal has become my central point for writing down quotes, phrases and passages that God seems to be pressing on my heart. Organized only by filling in the blanks for the dates, I can thumb through and see evidence of God speaking to me.
You know, the kind of things I'm talking about - those comments that the writer or speaker says that resonates with your current situation and you find yourself mentally saying, "Amen!" or "Ooh! That's good!" or "I need to remember that!" or "I should write that down somewhere!"
I have finally found a place to do just that - write it down somewhere. . .
Just this morning, I found myself near tears from work stress and longing for one more week of summer. I opened my planner and realized that it was my turn to blog. What should I write about? I want to be transparent and honest and honestly, I just wasn't feeling I had anything to say. I was feeling lots though - stressed and overwhelmed with work, sad that summer is ending, longing for more time to spend with my kids, hurting for a couple I know that is hurting. I wasn't feeling I had anything to offer . . .
So, I opened my simple, pink journal - surely there I would find inspiration; I would find something to write. . . .
Instead, I found where I had written words of Truth, spoke to my heart, through scripture and other believers to me . . .
This is the first quote my eyes fell on:
"When God seems silent, trust His promises more than your perceptions." - Jon Bloom
And then flipping a few pages back, there was this one:
"Turns out, coming to the end of ourselves (energy, resources, savvy, wisdom, or strength) is great freedom. It's where we exchange our frantic peace-keeping for His perfect peace-giving . . . In admitting our insufficiency, we find joy and strength in His all sufficiency." -Ruth Chow Simmons
Here's one more:
"The fight of faith is fought with the promises of God. And the fight of faith is the same as the fight to walk by the Spirit. He works when we are resting in his promise." - John Piper
Through these quotes, I have been reminded that God is bigger than and is still with me in the midst of all of these feelings . . . The words that I copied down then, are still speaking to me now. . .
This morning, I now find myself thanking God for these truths and for the simple truth that the Creator of the Universe is the Lover of my soul AND that He speaks to me. My feelings are completely altered. My outlook on this day has changed. My attitude is hopeful. I am feeling better.
If one of your to-do lists tasks this August is like mine - to shop for, buy and organize a gazillion school supplies for some kids and/or teachers you love - add a simple journal to your shopping basket. It doesn't have to be pink, but it could be a valuable tool you use to remind you that God is speaking to you and to record what He is saying . . . You just might find yourself needing that reminder every once in awhile like I did this morning . . .
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