Tuesday, November 3, 2015

God Has a Plan

I saw this saying on Facebook a few weeks ago and it spoke volumes to me.....

Maybe your are not as impatient as me.  When I have a burden, or especially a decision I need to make and I'm praying about.................I want God to answer me YESTERDAY.  I can not wait.
God does not work that way.
Everything is ALL in God's TIMING............and not ours.
We have several very important things that we are praying about right now:  for health of other people; for job directions for other people and for broken relationships of other people.
One thing that is weighing heavily on my heart right now, is someone very dear to me is in the middle of seriously praying about guidance in career directions.  This person has involved me and asked me to help pray about this situation.  This person wants to make CERTAIN that it is God's choice and direction and not the direction that he/she is choosing.  Career changes are a scary thing.  It could change your entire life.
I sent this poster to this person by text............because my prayers are that he/she will wait on God's guidance and follow His direction.
God knows this person's name............that is all that is important.  Please join me in praying that this person makes the right decision that will bring glory to God.  Thank you in advance for your prayers.
And.....let us always remember that "God's Got This".....we just need to be open to his guidance and be patient.

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