Friday, October 30, 2015

Proverbs 16:20 Continues

"Whoever gives thought to the word discovers good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord." Proverbs 16:20

This verse and its truth. 

God continues to use it to speak to me and just as He continues to speak to me through it, He has impressed on me that this isn't a "one and done" kind of verse. 

I'm not to just give thought to the word one time and discover good once. The idea of the verb tense and usage with in the verse is that it would be a way of life for us -  to continue to give thought to the word and to continue to be blessed by continuing to trust Him. 

There's a lot going on in life right now. There always is. And as long as Jesus tarries, there will continue to be; but the application of this verse, is not something I can spiritually afford to procrastinate on. As a result, I am trying to continue to:

- Identify the demands and distractions that are vying for my focus. 
- Intentionally setting aside time to pray and study God's word. 
- Remind myself that I am part of the "Whoever" is verse is written to when Satan lies to me about my worth. 
- Reflect on how VERY blessed I am. 
- Ask Him to help me to trust Him more. 

I hope these posts this week have been encouraging to you. I hope you've discovered good as we've given thought to this particular passage. 

Perhaps you could comment what verse(s) you are "giving thought" to right now. It just might be the next verse God is calling me or someone else to give thought to, too!

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