Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Proverbs 16:20 Part 2

"Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord" Proverbs 16:20

In my last post I started sharing the truths from this passage that our God has been teaching me over the last week or so. If you've got the time, let me encourage you to scroll down and read my last post before you begin this one. Since I've been "chewing" on this verse, there was just more "there" that I wanted to share  then would fit in one post . . .

So here is the "more" that AND brings us to:

"blessed" - Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we will be inundated with messages to be grateful and to count our blessings, but have you ever just stopped on a random Wednesday and written an actual list of all you have been blessed with? I did this last week and was literally compelled to confess my ungratefulness and all that I had been taking for granted. When literally looking at all I had to praise Him for, everything else was immediately put into the proper perspective. I am undeniably "BLESSED"....

"who trusts" - One of the many things God has blessed me with is faith. It is by faith that we've been saved and that saving faith comes from above. Since our Heavenly Father is the source of faith, this verse led me to ask for more faith to "trust" Him more. Like the father who approached Jesus seeking healing for a dying child, I too confess my faith and ask for more - "I believe, help my unbelief!" I am assured from the first part of our verse and others, that He will answer that prayer. He will help me TRUST Him more.

"in the Lord" - Who else do we have to trust in?! Yet, here I am trying to figure things out on my own, trying futilely to control my circumstances and to manipulate how other people respond. I can't trust in myself, my circumstances or in others. Time and again, I fail. I can't control God-sized factors. Others always eventually let me down. As I give thought to the word, realize how blessed I am and seek out the faith to trust Him, of course, I will trust IN THE LORD.

This last half looked at as one thought reveals a cycle to me.... We are blessed when we trust in the Lord and the more we trust in the Lord, the more blessed we are. So, as I have given thought to the word I have discovered good - this "cycle" is evidence of my good discovery! God is showing us an answer to the first half of the verse by the addition of the second half!

I have discovered more about our God and I know that He is indeed good all by giving thought to the word.

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