Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Whewwww................I am just NOW, half-way getting order back into our home.

  1. The end of school mad rush.....
  2. TENT camping trip
  3. Trip to Daytona Beach
  4. Had two church member and one dad of church member
  5. Vacation Bible School
  6. and concluded with Fisher of tournament team coming to our church

It is times like this when I feel my age.  Use to I could go and do and do and keep up with everything else.  Seems as if now...............when I go and go and go.....the house and clothes suffer. do you do it?  I try really hard.....but eventually I have to say TIME OUT.  This week is my TIME OUT.  It is my week to blog, but other than that.....I refused to put anything else on the calendar.

This is my CATCH UP WEEK.

This has been a much needed catch up on the house catch up on the catch up on the garden and flower................and to catch up with quality time spent with God.

During those "whewwww times" everything is rushed.....even devotions, quiet times and prayer times.

This week it has been nice............getting a cup of coffee, relaxing and enjoying time spent with God.

We all need a TIME OUT sometimes.

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