Friday, December 14, 2012

This Christmas, Give More……

As the gift buying starts to wind down (Christmas is less than two weeks away!), you may have some special gifts that you are giving this year, or perhaps you have a unique gift in mind that you would like to receive. After all, Christmas is all about giving….right?
Yes, Christmas is all about giving, for we know that our Father gave us the greatest gift the world has ever known, and will ever know: His only Son, our PRECIOUS Lord and Savior. Since we have been given so much in the person of Christ, what can we give back this season as an act of gratitude and love for our Lord?
 Perhaps, we can give more time, kindness, and love in honor of the One who first loved us.  Giving in these areas always blesses others, and as a bonus, we get blessed too, just knowing that we have poured into the lives of others!    
So this Christmas give more……….
Time:  Time can be given in many different ways. It could be spending time getting reacquainted with an old friend or running errands for a home bound relative or neighbor.  Also, it could be creating new memories with children or grandchildren that will become holiday traditions for years to come. Giving of our time is a wonderful gift to give to let others know that you enjoy serving them or just delight in being in their presence.
Kindness:  Small acts of kindness go a long way in encouraging others.  An appreciative smile and a gracious “thank you” given to a frazzled salesperson during this hectic holiday season can truly lift their spirits.   Baking special goodies to give away to neighbors or co-workers or offering to gift wrap presents for friends and family are other ways to be kind and thoughtful.  And if your schedule allows, give babysitting services for a young couple so they can enjoy a long over do night out.
Love:  We all probably know of or have individuals in our lives that are at times, shall we say, “difficult to love”. Go out of your way to show the love of Christ; perhaps it is a church member, family member, neighbor, co-worker, etc.  We truly need the Lord’s help to show us how to love the difficult people in our lives. Giving love could be as simple as offering a listening ear; because I truly believe that those who are hard to love at times may be hurting on the inside and are just in need of someone to talk to; you could be that someone.
So, this Christmas as we think about the greatest Giver in the universe, should not His love for us compel us to give these things and sooooooo much more?   What would you like to give more of this season and beyond?  
So, as we give this Christmas season, may Christ’s love compel us (2 Corinthians 5:14)!

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