Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Holiday Spirit

Can you believe that Christmas is only 22 days away?  Where did the time go?

It always helps me to get into the Holiday Spirit after we have our "Hanging of the Greens" program at church.  Also, I teach the preschoolers at church, so the first week of December, we begin our lessons on "Christmas".

It warms my heart to hear my little kids at church tell me what Christmas means to them.
  • Aubrie said, "It's a special time to spend with family."
  • Stephen said, "It's Jesus' Birthday."
  • Henley said, "We celebrate the birth of Jesus."
  • Julian said, "We get to eat food."
  • Charly said, "We get lots of presents."
  • Brielle said, "We get a tree and lots of lights."
And....the list went on......  But, I especially loved that at a tender young age,  they are already understanding the true meaning of Christmas.  In fact, I think they understand it better than the majority of the adults.

Let us all stop and think about the real Reason for the Season.....and look at it from a child's point of view.....which is so innocent and without baggage.  Let's help spread the Holiday Spirit!

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