Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My Top Ten Current Church Pet Peeves

Okay, I am in a mood to just have a little fun.  I have decided that today’s topic will be a list of my top ten current church pet peeves.  Maybe you can relate to these or perhaps you have your own list.  If you do, please feel free to join in the fun and leave your comment.

1.       Do not tell me that I “need” to be friends with so and so, because they have lots of money.  Excuse me but socio-economic status is not important to me.  If I recall Jesus ministered to ALL people.

2.      Please do not assume that I do not have plans on a certain night in order to attend an event.  Even though I do not work outside the home or have young children at home, I do lead a very hectic life managing a pastor/husband and babysitting my grandchildren.

3.      Do not expect me to dress nicely to go to the store.  If I am coming from the gym and short on time, I often will do my shopping while I am out.

4.      Please do not bring your “concern” about an issue at church to my husband five minutes before worship service is to begin. Nothing hinders the Holy Spirit more than a critical spirit.

5.      If you must go to the restroom during church, please exit through the back doors.  Walking to the front of the church is a distraction to everyone.

6.      When the choir/praise team is leading in worship, please don’t look like you are sucking on a lemon.  At least fake a smile.

7.      Please do not tell the ministry staff or their wives that you or someone you know are going to be hospitalized and expect us to remember.  Please let the church office know so they can remind us to visit and pray for you.

8.      Please do not assume that as the minister’s wife I know everything going on at church.  I do not know everything nor do I want to know.

9.      Yes, I want to be your friend.  However, do not assume we will be close friends.  God will lead me to the people who will be my trusted friend.

10.  Last and my biggest pet peeve is Sunday afternoon wedding and baby shower???? Why???  This is the busyness day of the week for ministers’ wives. 

So girlfriends, can you relate?  Do you have a ministry/church related pet peeve?  Come one share it with us!  Let’s have some fun!

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