Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Serving Together

Serving God comes with blessings, joy, trials and often stretches us beyond what we thought was possible.

As a minister's wife you often have the opportunity to serve the Lord in ways others cannot imagine. A phone call, a drop in, email, text can change your plans for the day completely.

As I served along side my husband, much of the ministry God called me to was raising our three sons. Their dad was often late coming home or our family time interrupted by emergencies. God clearly taught me that He wanted me to support Doug by teaching our children. I had the opportunity to teach them to pray for their dad when he was not there or complain about him for not being there. My sons were quick to pick up on my moods. They knew when I was supportive and they knew when I was resentful.

I did not want our sons to dislike the ministry. The desire of my heart was that they would have God as the desire of their hearts.

Doug was great about making time for each of us, yet there were times that His work called him away from us. As we walked through this journey, God began to teach me how to make Doug's time away our chance for ministry. I thought I would share a few things we did to join Doug as He ministered.

1. Clearly explained where Doug was and what He was doing.

2. We then each put on our Spiritual Armor. We taught the boys that they were soldiers in the army of God and we were Doug's back up.

3. Stopped to pray for the circumstances. (If a meeting, hospital visit, death, conflict)

4. The next time we were together as a family, Doug shared with us what God did during his time of ministering. Always assuring the boys that God heard and answered their prayers for him. Letting them know they made a difference.

5. Stopped to pray and thanked God for His work through us and in others.

This is just one of the ways we brought our sons into the ministry. I will share more with you later. Take time to share the ministry with your children. Become a team and watch God work!

Eccl. 4:9-10 "Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please write more about how to involve children and wives in our husband's ministry! We are very new (2.5 months!) and I am at home alone alot with our 3 kids (4, 3, and 10 months) and sometimes I just don't feel a part of it. Thank you for writing that my main ministry is to my husband and kids. I need to hear that alot! :)