Friday, January 22, 2010

Suffering in Silence

Last weekend I assisted with a “Young in the Ministry” Retreat for pastors and their wives who have been in the ministry for three years or less. This is the second retreat of this kind that the Tennessee Baptist Convention has hosted. I cannot tell you how needed these retreats are for these young in the ministry couples.

At the retreat the couples receive beneficial information from retirement to help in managing a church. Our team allows the couples to ask questions which a panel of “seasoned” ministers answers. Our goal is to encourage these couples as they begin the journey in ministry.

However, I notice the wives. I wonder how they are truly managing the new church. Some of the couples are fresh on the field. They left behind the secular jobs to follow God’s calling. Some are fresh out of school and in their first ministry position. Either way, the wives have major adjustments and a range of emotions. I will be the first to say that after 31 years of marriage to a minister I still do not have it all figured out and still have questions.

Girlfriends, we do not have to suffer in silence. We can find people who can answer some of the questions. This website is meant to provide encouragement as well as answer questions. If we do not have the answers, we can certainly share our experience or find someone who can answer them. I love being a minister’s wife because of the great adventures God takes us on, however, I find at times I just want to quit.

The bible tells us to share one another’s burdens and to encourage one another. Girls, grab a piece of dark chocolate and please take a moment to share with our team of blog writers your burdens, joys, frustrations, and celebrations. You do not have to sign your name or church. Your experience may even help or encourage another minister’s wife out there in cyberspace.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Vickie, I too, love being a pastor's wife, but there have also been times when I wanted to quit. As I look back, God was just connecting the dots to get us to where He wants us to serve today. We couldn't see that then, but it is very clear now.

I would like to ask all of you who read these posts to please pray for our son Nick, who is being deployed to Afghanistan on Monday. Also for his wife Heather, who is 18 years old and really needs prayers for strength and direction, while he is away. Thanks!!