Friday, July 23, 2010

Dealing with Disappointment

Discouragement and disappointment love to hang out together. Where one is, the other usually is close by. The tears that flowed like a broken faucet last Wednesday came as a result of becoming overwhelmed with the fact that our house in Tennessee has still not sold after being on the market for almost two years. The majority of the time my mind has been focused on Truth—that God is in control and that He knows what He is doing and that He is using it for His glory.

However, there have been a few days where doubt and despair and discouragement and disappointment fill my mind and heart over the issue. And….added to all those “D” words is guilt. Did we do something wrong? You did lead us here to Calvary didn’t You? Were we unfaithful to You and are You punishing us?

After suffering under the lies and doubts….Truth begins to settle back in. Yes, God did lead us to Calvary. No, we did not do anything wrong. No, He is not unfaithful. No, we are not being punished.

Truth says to me, “I want you to experience more of Me than you already have.” “I want you to know Me in ways you have never known Me before.” “I love you and know what I am doing.” And Peace comes.

Are you in a circumstance that you do not understand? Or like? Are you confused about what is going on? Are you dealing with disappointment? The root word of disappointment is appointment….make an appointment with God and ask Him show you His perspective on the circumstance.

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