Friday, August 3, 2012

M & M Family

As you already know my mind works in weird ways.  The other day I was sitting in church, listening intently to my pastor husband deliver God’s word.  Suddenly, a point he made birthed a comparison between our church family and M & Ms.  See, I told you my mind was weird.  Just hang with me while I make my point.

M & M candies make me happy.  There is a vast array of colors that appeal to my senses.  I am more drawn to the bright blues and greens but I love the soft Easter pastels too.  Being with my church family makes me happy.  Our congregation is sprinkled with an array of people.  I am more drawn to people who are outgoing and fun, but I am also keenly aware of the quiet, gentle souls. 

M & Ms also come in a variety of favors-plain, peanut, coconut, almond, and the list goes on.  You can eat each flavor of M & M separately but it is much more interesting and fun to pour them all together and savor them at the same time.  Each flavor tickles the taste buds and satisfies and fulfills my varying moods.  The church family comes in a variety as well.  It certainly does not matter if you are highly educated, rich, poor, tall or short.  There are those who are gifted to teach, some to serve, some to provide prayer support and so forth.  Sure you can worship alone, but it is much more interesting and fun when God brings us all together.  Each person in the body, like an M & M, has a specific ability God has given them to satisfy and fulfill His purpose. 

The next time you are in church look around you at your “M & M” family.  See the assorted flavors, colors, and talents.  Celebrate that you are all mixed together to fulfill and satisfy God’s purpose for building His kingdom.

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