Wednesday, September 30, 2015

When Enough is Enough!!!

When is enough, enough?

You know what I mean...........Have you ever gone that extra mile (or miles)?  Have you ever given all of your time and energy in hopes of "fixing" someone?

Sometimes I think that I might as well be butting my head again a brick wall.  I always have high hopes..........and just KNOW that THIS time, I can make a "difference."

I get so caught up in "fixing" people that I forget the FACTS..............I CAN NOT FIX ANYONE.............only GOD CAN FIX THEM.

Our job is NOT to FIX.  Our job is to plant the seeds.  BUT....we also need to realize when ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

So ladies, don't be guilty of doing what many times I find myself doing..............putting all my eggs in one basket.  In other words, don't waste your time trying to "fix" someone when they are not willing to "fix" themselves.  Plant the seed; Pray for them; and MOVE ON.  God will place SOMEONE in your path that you CAN make a difference with.

Just take times and realize....sometimes...........ENOUGH is ENOUGH!

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