Thursday, February 19, 2009

God's Perfect Timing

As I sat outside Papa’s Cottage, I felt the fresh breeze on my face and listened to the gentle dipping as the icicles melted off the side of a rock cliff. I felt renewed and sensed a calming to my soul.

I hate to admit but my body did a huge sigh. This one night away from the hustle and bustle of home has been God’s gift. Just hanging out with a few girls to talk, laugh, an of course, eat some chocolate has been like a healing balm to my soul.

Funny, when I opened my devotional guide that day, I glanced to the prior day’s words and then read the current one. It was spoken directly from God. It stated “Come to Me and rest.” “Come to me for rest and refreshment.” I caught myself smiling at God’s perfectly timed words. He knew and even ordained for me to get away. He knew my last couple of weeks had been overloaded with “stuff” and that my stress level was high. He knew my shoulders were tight with tension. He knew before I knew that my special time at Papa’s Cottage was needed. I also think there may be an upcoming moment in the near future where I will need to look back on my get away and recall these words from the Father in order to gain much needed strength.

So girls, I encourage you to seek a place of refuge. Ask your husband to allow you to get away. Maybe you cannot go for an overnight adventure, but you can pack a sack lunch and take a drive to a local park. You can ask your husband to take the children to a movie or the park so you can have the luxury of a bubble bath without someone calling for help from the other side of the door. Enjoy a piece of dark chocolate. Believe me, you will be a better wife, mom and friend. As the Word says, “Be still” in this hectic life.

Question: Ladies, I feel God prompting me to ask if there are specific topics or issues that you would like our writers to address. If you have some topic or issue that you would like discussed, please post a note in my blog comments. I’ll share that with our other writers. Be blessed and may God reveal Himself to you this day.

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