Monday, February 16, 2009

Lessons from Valkryie

Currently my husband and I are foster grandparents to our eldest son’s dog. Valkryie, a shepherd breed dog who is named after an Air Force jet and goddess, was only supposed to be with us six months. Well, six months has now turned into a year and a half. Although we love her, we will be glad to see the taillights leave when her daddy comes to pick her up. In the meantime, Valkryie has taught me some valuable lessons.

First, be on alert because you never know what lurks outside. Valkryie’s favorite spot in our home is on the landing of the stairs. We fondly call it the Princess Perch. Valkryie will sit for hours on her perch and watch out the windows. If something of interest comes by, she immediately bounces to life and barks at it with gusto. As Christians, we should be on alert because you never know when Satan will slip up on us.

Second, find time to play and have fun. Every day I hook Valkryie to her leash and we set out on our daily walk. If time permits, we might take 2 or 3 walks a day. Valkryie is like having a toddler in your home and taking them to the park. She cannot wait to get to our neighborhood pond to see the geese and if she’s lucky, Valkryie can spot a squirrel. In addition, there are all the smells. Valkryie will pull me zigzag through the grass just to sniff every smell outdoors. As Christians, we should find the time to enjoy some favorite activity and enjoy nature. God gave it to us so get out there and smell the smells!

Third, Valkryie enjoys her cat-oops, dog-naps. This short nap gives her just enough rest to regain her energy for the next great adventure. As Christians we often are running to and fro and never take time to be still. Girlfriends, I am talking straight at myself because I am the first person to admit I go until my body says, “No more!” Everyone needs a nap even ministers
Finally, every dog loves her cookies. Since Valkryie has been with us, I have a “cookie jar” for the dog. She gets a cookie when she obeys simple commands or just because we love her. As Christians when we are in obedience to God’s will, I believe He showers us with his blessings. Personally, like Valkryie, I love it when God gives me a treat. It might be time to sit and read a book or receive a note in the mail from a dear friend. Sometimes it may be enjoying a relaxing moment at the pool. In whatever form it comes, I sure do love my “cookies.”

So girlfriends, if you have a pet, sit back and take some lessons from them. You just might learn a few things.

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