Monday, August 10, 2009


Last week my world was widen, expanded, and enriched. No, I did not experience a new brand of delicious chocolate. Instead I figured out something on Facebook that I did not realize was there: on-line chat!

Okay, I know you are laughing at this moment. The reality is that our old computer just could not handle all the technology. We finally broke down and purchased a new computer. Bam! Items on Facebook that had not been there before suddenly appeared.

My first chat was with a former staff wife’s daughter who is a busy teenage. I loved the fact that we chatted while she cleaned her room. (I am still wondering how she managed both at the same time.) Later I caught up with one of my former teenagers who is now a married young lady. It was so sweet just to catch with both girls whom I dearly love.

My whole point is here is that I connected or I guess I should say reconnected with dear friends. Girls, our blog is for you to connect with ladies just like you--ladies who are staff wives, who face struggles, who have questions regarding ministry or raising children. I hope you will consider connecting with fellow sisters.

Take time to post an encouragement or a favorite scriipture for all of us. Let’s connect with one another to be stronger in the ministry of our Lord.

1 comment:

Robyn Crumby Photography said...

You also chatted online with me... your daughter. tee hee hee!