Saturday, December 5, 2009


Our church music ministry is smack dab in the middle of our Christmas program, The Christmas Post. Set in the 1940’s, it is the story of a young widow who is struggling to make ends meet by working a second job as a salesperson at a local department store. Throughout the program you walk with her and other characters as they discover the true meaning of Christmas.

The music throughout the program is awesome but the song I love the most is “The Green Stuff.” The character singing this song is the store owner, whose only care is for how much more money he can make. The score is very peppy and very Broadway style. However, I also love the message of the song. Listening to the words and watching the action of the cast makes you truly realize how selfish we can all be at heart. It reminds me that Christmas has become so commercialized and centered on the “give me” side that we often forget the true meaning of Christmas.

Christmas is not about all the parties we attend or added pounds we put on our waistlines. It is not about having an excuse to eat chocolate fudge. It is not about rushing around the malls trying to get everything on the Santa list. It is not about having the perfectly decorated home and delicious 70 course meal we prepared. I do not believe the Father gave us his Son to put more stress in our lives. He gave us Jesus so that we could reflect on His grace and goodness.

Ladies, the green stuff may be a little tight at your house this year. Everyone is feeling the economic crunch. However, the one thing we do not lack is God’s love. Let’s truly celebrate Jesus’ birth this year because in reality there would be no Christmas without the Christ child.

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