Thursday, December 17, 2009


Snow certainly does make it feel like Christmas, doesn't it? God has blessed us already with one beautiful snow, and now they are predicting more for East Tennessee tomorrow and Saturday. It snowed 2 weekends ago and it was such a treat to watch it fall. They predicted it to begin sometime after midnight that Friday night. I couldn't sleep because I was so excited. I kept getting up off and on looking out the window, hoping to see it falling. Finally, about 5:15 a.m. I got up one more time, and there it was, already starting to stick!! I tried my best to wait before waking up my husband Randy, but after about 45 minutes I couldn't wait any longer. I tiptoed in the bedroom and leaned over him and whispered "it's snowing!!!" He (not whispering!) said, "it's Saturday morning!!!" Then I tried to explain to him that if he stayed in bed he would miss it. I don't think it would have really bothered him though. But he was a trooper and got up when I said, "don't you want to go with me to the Pancake Pantry in Gatlinburg?" Usually there is a long wait to get in the restaurant, but between the frigid temperature outside, the snow on the roads and the fact that it was 6:45 a.m. on a Saturday morning, we got right in. And boy was it worth it!!!! The snow was gently falling as we sat by the big picture window and watched it cover the mountains. The waitress brought us a freshly brewed cup of coffee and we just sat there admiring God's handiwork as we waited for some of the best pancakes ever!!

By 4:00 p.m. it was almost all gone. We could've stayed in bed and missed it, but thankfully we didn't. We enjoyed the moment,.

This is a crazy time of the year...especially for Pastors and their families. There is so much going on between Sunday School parties, Music Programs, caroling, and the list goes on and on. We could rush right through it all and miss the fun, OR we could slow down and enjoy the moment. I pray you enjoy the sweet moments the Lord gives you today,

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