Thursday, August 11, 2011

Heartbreaking Headlines

The August 3rd edition of the Baptist & Reflector, Tennessee Baptist’s statewide newspaper, arrived at our home two days ago and my heart has been heavy and broken ever since. The headline on the first page reads, “Fifty-five Tennessee ministers forced to resign in 2010.” 55!! AND…across the Southern Baptist Convention, there were 609!!! 609!!

Immediately I had to read the article in its entirety….and became more and more distressed and heartbroken and at a loss as to what I can do to help these wives. These families. You might be one of those 55 or perhaps you are one of the 609 who were forced to resign your ministry position in 2010.

The number one reason for termination was stated as “Control issues—who is going to run the church”. I KNOW that no one is perfect. I am totally aware that there are issues on both sides….but I cannot help being frustrated right now with people in the church. Control issues? Seriously? Who is in control? The people who “belong” or “go” to the church? The pastor? The pastor’s wife? NO! God is in control!!!

Last night in our Bible study one lady shared that her greatest fear is losing control….and we all related to her. We are control freaks! We want to be in charge. We want things our way. We think we can do it better than anyone and everyone—and ridiculous as it sounds—we think we can do it even better than God can!

If you are a wife of a minister who has been forced to resign, please know that I am praying for you. I cannot imagine how you must feel. You have been put in a very difficult place with a huge opportunity to allow God to love on you. To allow Him to forgive through you. To enable you to persevere through. You will know God in a way you never knew Him before. He is Provider. Comforter. Lover.

I am praying for you as you stand firm in your faith. As you encourage your discouraged husband. As you teach your children how to handle adversity like Jesus did. As you run the race with endurance with your eyes fixed on Jesus. Do NOT give up the race!! Do NOT quit!! Run my friend run....not away...but into the arms of God.

You are not alone. He knows how you feel. Please let me know how I can serve you. encourage you. Help you.

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