Monday, May 21, 2012

Ask God To Show You

My sisters in ministry, it appears that many wives of pastors and ministers are feeling very overwhelmed with all of their duties and responsibilities.  They are crying out for help because they are bogged down with assignments they simply are not called to do. This is not a new thing; my fellow sisters who share this blog with me have written about it before.  What is the solution?  How do you survive in the midst of all the activity and unrealistic expectations?
The Lord is silent in His Word when it concerns "specific" functions of the wife of a pastor/minister .  Church leaders, such as pastors, elders, bishops, overseers, deacons, and even some say the wives of deacons, are given instructions by God as to how to conduct themselves in the church, but not the wife of a pastor/minister.  Are you left to fend for yourselves, without having a clue as to what the Lord expects?
The Lord issues a tender call in the book of Jeremiah…"Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3   If we want to know about some things, let us ask the One who knows everything.  This verse is an invitation from our God;  I take this beckoning  literally.  I believe we can get specific with God and ask Him things such as:   Do I need to serve on the youth committee, even though I am already on three other committees?  Am I called to volunteer in the nursery, just because Sister So and So begged me?   Will I be seen as an unsupportive wife if family commitments prevent me from attending a church event?   These are just examples of some of the various issues that can come up; I am sure that many of you have your own dilemmas that are unique to you and your church.
Do not despair!  Get alone with God, and ask Him to show you how HE wants you to serve Him and His people during this season of your life.  This may be uncomfortable, in that you may find yourself having to let some things go, in order to do the ministry work He has just for you. Do not be driven by the expectations of others.   I had to step down from a particular ministry position, but I prayed about it for over a year, and I did not move until God confirmed it in my spirit.  Sometimes it may not take that long to get confirmation from the Lord, but waiting on God’s timing is always best. When God confirms an issue, He gives us peace that we have made the right decision.
Ask the Lord specifically what HE wants you to do, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, do it to the glory of God!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I so understand this. Thank you for posting. I just came out of this season in my life. I didn't realize I was in that season until I yelled at my husband and girls over something not working that I needed to because of something I had to get done. God showed me exactly what I needed to do.