Saturday, May 12, 2012

Remember Mom . . .

This is just a reminder to remember . . .

Yes, remember your mom and all she taught you and all that God has taught you through her.

Remember the people in your church, and in your spheres of influence who are hurting this weekend with every sappy commercial and well meant "Happy Mother's Day" wish.

Remember those children, even those that are grown, who have lost their mothers. (Vickie you are in my prayers this weekend especially!)

Remember the couples who long to be called parents and how this weekend seems so cruel.

Remember birth mommies that loving placed their babies in the arms of adoptive parents demonstrating an intense selfless love for their children.

Remember the mothers who have buried their children.

Remember the mothers who have miscarried never seeing a face by which to remember what they've lost.

Remember Mom in your prayers this weekend.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Thank You Jesus for being able to relate to our hurt and intimately knowing our loss.
Thank You God for bringing healing and using our losses to accomplish Your great plans.
Thank You Holy Spirit for never leaving us alone and walking with us in our loss.
Remind us of your promises.