Saturday, March 9, 2013

You be You

I remember the day my husband sat me down and shared that he sensed God was calling him from serving the church as youth pastor to shepherding as senior pastor.  I wanted to be supportive, I honestly did!  I wish I could say I was totally excited and that I had dreamed of being a senior pastor's wife my entire life.....but I wasn't!

Alice and Lynda were the only two pastor's wives I knew.....and I was NOTHING like either one of them!  NOTHING!  I had a very limited view of what a pastor's wife was suppose to be like and it was based on those two women!!  (That is quite daunting to me now as I think about that!  Yikes! What if I (or you) are what people picture when they consider what a pastor's wife is....hummmm something to ponder for sure!!)

I actually told my husband that it was fine if he wanted to be a senior pastor but I could not be a pastor's what were we to do??!!  The Lord spoke to my heart not too many days later and said, "Dana, I am not asking you to be Alice (after all she wore stretch polyester pant suits and there was NO WAY I could do that) and I am not asking you to be Lynda (she had big hair and big jewelry and thick fake eyelashes and there was NO WAY I could do that!)!  I am asking you to be Dana!"

Really? You mean I can be a pastor's wife? Me? Just who I am with my personality and my taste in clothing and hair and jewelry?  You, God, think I can love the marketplace and business and be a pastor's wife too?  "Yes, He said, you! I still have much sanctification and more molding and refining to do in you but you be you and I will take care of the rest!" Such freedom He was offering me and I honestly was shocked!

You might struggle with the "am I being/doing what I am suppose to be being/doing" junk or wondering if you need to be more like so-and-so.....or "do I need to have a different personality" like I mentioned in the last post.  Once again, let me assure you using the words of Isaiah, "...You are our Father. We are the clay, and You are the Potter. We are all formed by Your hand." (Isaiah 64:8)

So...let go and be the you you have been created to be.....enjoy every bit of it!!!

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