Friday, March 8, 2013

Quiet and Gentle Spirit

For the past several years the Indiana Baptist Convention has held an event for preteen girls and their moms called "Pure Girl".  This year I will be speaking from 1 Peter 3:3-4 that says "Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is so precious to God." NLT

I remember the first time I read that passage.....and panicked!! Did it mean I was suppose to be an introvert?  I mean, I suppose I could be an introvert occasionally....but all of the time?  Did it mean that I needed to not be loud and crazy?  I suppose I could not be loud and crazy some of the time....but always?

As I matured and continued to study the heart of God through the entire Word I realized He was not talking about my personality!!  Yea!! Such freedom!  I can be who He created me to be....even if I am a little loud and crazy!  So what is He talking about?

I know a woman who is very quiet and somber and not at all loud.  You actually might not even know she is in the room. She is beautiful and calm and does everything 'right'. I actually envy her (a sin I have had to repent from!!) at times.  Yet, here is the thing....she worries very easily.  She gets stressed out easily.  She is anxious and fearful.

I also know another woman who is vivacious, outgoing, energetic, loud, eccentric and the life of the party.  When life brings trials and storms into her life she is full of peace and calm and grace.

Which one of these women have the "gentle and quiet spirit" Peter is referring to?  I believe it is the second woman.  Ladies, don't strive to change your personality....strive to know God and allow Him to create in you this kind of gentle and quiet that does not fret or "stem and stew" over the stresses of the day...One that trusts in God no matter what.  That kind of response can only come from God!!

Blessings to you!!

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