Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I’m B-A-C-K!!

“I’m B-A-C-K!”  That was the subject line in the email I sent the ladies who attend the Sunday school class that I had stepped away from teaching.  I shared with you in an earlier post that I felt compelled to step away.  Had too.  Needed to.  Wanted to. 

I honestly was not even totally sure why I had to, needed to, and wanted to.  Was it because discouragement had set in?  Was it a lack of feeling appreciated?  Was it something someone said or did or did not say or did not do?  Was it because of sin in my heart?  Was it because I thought God was done with me?  Was it all of the above?  Was it none of the above?

During those three months of not teaching the class much happened in our church and in my heart and mind.  I can look back and see how it was good for me to be able to have a place of refuge with the first graders during our church’s season of pain and difficulty….a place to ‘hide’, so to speak.  (Since I could not run away which is what I really wanted to do!!)

God also reminded me once again that I KNOW I am to teach women!  He has put it in my heart and it is something I must do!  The time away reconfirmed that for me and they graciously welcomed me back!!

Do you want to quit?  2 Corinthians 4:1  “Therefore, since God in His mercy has given us this new way, WE NEVER GIVE UP!!”

Are you discouraged?  2 Chronicles 15:7  “But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded!!”

Do you want to give up on something?  Everything?  Anyone?  Everyone?  Remember that Hebrews 12 tells us to run with endurance the race God has set before us by keeping our eyes on Jesus!!! 

The truth is I had taken my eyes off of Jesus and put it on to other people and what they thought and what they wanted….and, much of the time I did not really even know what they thought or what they wanted but I was speculating!!  Crazy huh!!!???  Vain imaginations getting me in to trouble A-G-A-I-N!!!

Take courage my friend!  Run the race God has set before you….not the race someone else has set before you!!  Remember how precious you are and how loved you are!

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