Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mission Accomplished

Recently I attended an event for ministers’ wives here in Arkansas.  It was wonderful watching ladies enter the fellowship and just start talking to one another.  Many ladies had never met each other but that did not stop them from sharing.  I am a firm believer that if you provide a safe environment for minister’s wives, plenty of chocolate, door prizes and gifts you do not need a “special” program.

The event I am referring to is a break time our state’s ministers’ wives fellowship sponsored during our state Evangelism Conference.  We called it a LULU time-Laughter Unending; Love Unconditional.  We did not have a program.  We just wanted the ladies to come, relax, laugh and feel loved.

One heartwarming scene was that of two young mothers, who had brought their babies, sit together and just talk . . . and talk . . . and laugh.  As I glanced around the room, I saw other ladies sitting in groups laughing and having fun.  Our fellowship time was only allotted a 30 minute slot on the day’s schedule, but well, we broke the rules.  An hour and half later there were still ladies eating, laughing, and sharing.  Our mission was accomplished.

As I began to clean the room, one of the young mothers approached me.  She simply wanted me to know where she was from and that she had been so lonely.  This time made her feel special and she actually made a new friend (the other young mother).  I smiled but in my heart I said, “Mission accomplished.”

Back at home that evening; I received several Facebook messages from ladies who attend the fellowship.  Over and over again they expressed how much fun they had and how special they felt.  Although I was a weary minister’s wife from helping with this event, my heart was overflowing with joy because our LULU met a need.

Ladies, don’t ever think what you do for other ministers’ wives is ever in vain.  If God lays another sister in the ministry on your mind, take action and make her feel special.  Then your mission will be accomplished. 



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