Thursday, February 26, 2015

With All Your Heart

Let's face it. We all do what we do for a bunch of different reasons.

From outside appearances, we are fearing the Lord and serving Him faithfully, as we should. Yet if we are honest with ourselves before our God, Who knows our hearts, our motivations can be far from pure.

My first two posts this week have come straight from a single verse, 1 Samuel 12:24. This post looks at the next phrase, "...with all your heart."

I am not sure we can faithfully serve Him UNLESS we are doing it with our whole heart. We know why we do what we do matters.

I know that I could literally live at the church and take on more responsibilities in more areas of ministry, but unless my motivation is spot on, I would do it all in vain.

Yes, I may be faithfully doing everything I am "supposed" to be doing, but my motivation is far from what it should be. I am doing it, but definitely not with my "whole" heart. Maybe half my heart or maybe the percentage is even less.

Too often I literally look around to see who will notice what I am doing. I confess that I want the recognition, the pat-on-the-back, the acknowledgment that what I am doing is important and that I am doing what I am doing well.

My heart is centered on me, not the Lord I say I am serving.

God might bless my efforts and use them despite my impure motives, yet I am missing out in my relationship with Him.

Can anyone relate?


Pat said...

Yes, I can relate!! All your posts this week have been what I needed to hear. I love being a DOM wife, but have to admit I find myself just easing along and not getting involved like I should. My passion for and work with the Ministers' Wives is my priority and keeps me pretty busy. However, I often feel I should be more connected with our home church and that has been hard for me to do. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us!!

Tara said...

Thank you Pat! This is truly where I'm at this week too! I feel like the longer I walk with Him, the more I have to learn!