Wednesday, May 13, 2015


OOPS!  What can I say?  Being a school teacher and the lead teacher for grade level, this is an EXTREMELY busy time of year.  Last week was T-CAPS.....this week was Social Studies 6th grade pilot T-CAP test on the computers. I did not think one bit about it being my week to blog..............until I decided to check it out and read a little while I am taking a breather before church.  WHEWWWW........THAT was when I realized that this is my week and I was being lazy.

I LOVE teaching, but every year at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year, I question my calling.  I LOVE teaching in the middle of the year.  Smile.

Not only is it the end of the year.....we just finished with Mother's Day....and Dayton's Strawberry Festival was last week and weekend.......which is HUGE......and I am recovering from an upper respiratory infection.  YULK.

I am sooo ready to have a couple of months off to relax.  RELAX????  What is that?  As soon as school is out, it is time to get ready for V.B.S. and Fishers of Men.....and who knows what else.  SMILE.

REALLY....I am not complaining.......I am just writing down how busy I am and I KNOW YOU are equally as busy.  When I write it down, I really wonder how it all gets done, but.......somehow it does. that I got that out....................let's STOP and BREATHE!!!!!!!!!

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