Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's _________ ?



Better Habits.


Walking closer with the Lord. Losing weight. Exercising. Getting organized. Staying organized. Eating healthier. Not eating out so much. Communicating more with family members. Giving more.

Be specific. Make it attainable. Don't give up. Don't give in. Keep trying. Expect to fail. Have an accountability partner.

Magazines, blogs, television shows, Pinterest posts and Facebook ads are filled with ways, tools, insights, and tips to take the best advantage of our New Year.

Honestly, I am not feeling it this year.

It's not that I don't have things in my life that I don't want to improve. Believe me, I know I have lots of room for improvement and Satan likes to highlight those flaws at every turn.

The Bible is clear that "many are the plans of a man's heart" but only the Lord's purpose will prevail. (Please excuse my loose translation of Proverbs 19:21)

And I could write about submitting our New Year's plans to Him or that we should be praying for Him to reveal His purpose so we can align our plans with His. These things would all be well and good. If this is what God has led you to do, by all means, do them.

But for me, I am savoring that each dawn is a new beginning. I am rejoicing in the fact and trying to experience that His mercies are new every morning. He generously let's me start over with every prayer of repentance.

As a believer, I do not have to wait for January to make a change. All I do have to do, is allow the One who designed me to make the changes within me.

As I blogged last, it's a journey. I can't just push a button or flip a switch. I have to daily submit to Him, giving Him complete access. Some days I do better than others.

I just don't need a calendar to tell me when or an expert to tell me how.

Change is a part of life. With the passing of another year, we all know that nothing stays the same.

Change is ALL about being a Christ follower. Thankfully He loves us enough to help us.

New Year's is a great time to prayerfully reflect and plan. It is a good opportunity to institute new ways of doing things. It gives a chance to begin anew or again or again or again.

But dear sister, do not forget that it isn't the only time for change. That our Lord is all about change all of the time.

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