Monday, June 6, 2016

Finding Jesus in a Dead Water Heater

Last Saturday morning I had plans. They weren't big plans, but I had an agenda for my day. There were no set times to be anywhere, but there were things I needed to check off my to-do list, things I had wanted to get done.

My husband had a few of those things too and I was encouraged as he headed out the front door to get some much needed yard work accomplished. After all, it was barely 9:30 and we both had the whole day ahead of us.

Before I knew it, I was dropping the dust mop and heading to our basement with the realization that the day would not go the way I intended. My man had come back inside and informed me that he had discovered a very wet basement and he needed to shut off the electricity to the water heater.

The basement, only accessible from the outside of our house, was literally dripping. The humidity in there was beyond high. The insulation and the duct work dripped with the condensation. Everything down there was wet and needed to be drug out into the sunlight

A couple hours and a new water heater later, the day resumed. My lunch and shopping trip with my eldest daughter was postponed from lunch to dinner and we headed out. Only, we didn't get very far when the just-picked-up-from-the-mechanic van decided the gas pedal would not cooperate.

My sweet father-in-love came to our rescue, picking us up and lending us another vehicle. The planned, girl time was successful as proven with full tummies and packed shopping bags.

It would be so easy to miss the many graces God bestowed upon us that day.

Few things were actually ruined in the water. He had already provided the funds to pay for the unexpected expense. The sun was shining to dry things out. And while we don't know for sure when the old girl died, it hadn't been too long before we found the soaking remains.

The van's untimely issues were actually blessings as well. The bolt that had come loose could have "loosened" on out 6 hour trip to visit family stranding me "alone" with three girls on the interstate somewhere in middle Kentucky the following Monday.

God is good all of the time and all of the time He is good.

As much as I want to plan my day, and all my days, I was reminded very gently that He is control of all of them. The Holy Spirit also showed me that He is in the details, taking care of things and taking care of me.

Things may not go as I had planned or even as I had assumed or hoped that they would. But I am not called to be in charge of these things. I am called to simply be obedient TODAY, trusting Him with whatever it may hold- no matter the news coming through the phone, or from my husband's lips.

He's got this. He's got us. He's got me.

This is my hope. This is my today. This is my future.

This is my God - and my Jesus makes it all possible.

I am thankful that He chose to remind me in such a tangible way.

Jesus can be found in a dead water heater.

Where have you found Him recently?

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