Monday, June 13, 2016

GiveHIM Project

In January, Roger and I went to the Bi-Vocational Retreat and brought two young couples from our church.

It was that weekend when Roger really got convicted about the lost in not only the state of Tennessee, but especially in Roane County, where our church is located.  

Roane county has approimately 32K lost people who do not know Jesus and have no affiliation with any church.  Tennessee is currently growing at a rate of 50,000 people per year.  In January, Tennessee had approximately 3.5 million lost people; people who have no affiliation with any church in the state.....and that number is larger now.

Anyway, Roger shared his thoughts with the other five people in the group.  Without going into to great detail, during the weekend, because of NUMEROUS things that God placed before us.......we decided to began a new ministry.  We call it the GiveHIM Project.  We even went as far as to register our trademark and purchase the GiveHIM logo.

The purpose of the GiveHIM project is to raise awareness that Christians must realize the urgency of spreading the gospel and begin reaching souls for Jesus Christ, or thousands of precious people will die and spend eternity in hell.

We have tee shirts, polos, and bracelets with our logo on it that we are selling.  100% of the profits will go towards promoting this awareness and reaching the lost through community revivals, etc.

I would like for you to pray for our new ministry and also have your church pray for our ministry.  

If you would like to read a little more about it, go to

Our first community revival .....GiveHIM Tennessee, beginning with Rockwood was this past weekend.  I will share about it tomorrow.

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