Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Accomplishing God's Mission

A couple of months ago I share with you about the GiveHim Tennessee Project that God has laid on our hearts............getting out of the four walls and reaching the lost in the community.

I am happy to report that through the Tent Revival, VBS, and a couple of out reach activities in the community, 11 souls were won to the Lord in three weeks.................and many, many seeds were planted.

This past Sunday night.....we rented the Community Center and Pool, near the projects and grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and invited the community to eat, swim and worship with us.

What a joy to see a good group of folks enjoying time together, reaching out and worshiping....without an air conditioner and padded pews.

When we trust God and step out of those four comfortable walls and go out and find the people............we are rewarded by seeing the results of God's mission being accomplished.

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