Friday, September 30, 2016

Pretend or FAKE???

Meet "Onna" and "Captin 'Merica"
aka....Anna and Captain American.
Our grandkids have reached the age that they LOVE to pretend.  When they have their costumes on..........they are no longer Kinley and must refer to them as "Onna" and "Captin 'Merica".  They refer to each other as their pretend names also.  They role play it for hours.  It is precious and very cute.................
The problem is..................many times in our church and in the world........there are adults that are STILL living in the PRETEND world.  They pretend to be "someone else". 
Don't you just LOVE it when someone....whom you KNOW....has a heart that is far, far from God....................BUT...when they are around the "preacher" or "preacher's wife"....they suddenly begin to talk about how much God has blessed them, etc.???  NOT!
Also....don't it really irk you when someone posts inappropriate things on Facebook........then a few posts later they are posting Bible Verses?
It's kind of like the driver driving along with a "Honk if You Love Jesus" sticker on their bumper, then flips someone off because they are driving slower than they want them too.
Sorry.....this was just a random soap-box!

People may try to PRETEND to others.............but they can NEVER FAKE it to GOD. 

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