Monday, May 12, 2008

It's a Girl!

I am overflowing with joy. God never ceases to amaze me. His timing is always perfect even when I do not always understand it. However, His answers to prayers do come.

After almost 25 years of praying daily for that special young lady God created for my oldest son, we are finally going to have her enter our family next year. Of course, I already feel like she is part of this crazy clan but the wedding will make it official.

My future daugther-in-law is beautiful and precious. God gave her a sweet spirit and gentle heart. He molded her in a way in which she can literally melt my son's heart. She's not only very intelligent but she is pretty creative too. (I'm hoping she will eventually give me some decorating tips.) Because Stephen is a new Air Force offficer, I think it is pretty awesome that God placed Robyn in my son's life. You see, Robyn's sister is married to an Air Force guy so she understands a little of what military life will be like. Just think 25 years ago God was already planning this amazing sweet girl for my son.

I say all this to make a point. If you do not pray for your children daily, start now. If you are not praying for their future spouse, now is the time to begin. Prayer is the one thing we can give our kids that will last a lifetime. Personally, I cannot tell you how many times I have been on my face praying for my boys through difficult decisions and times. Sometimes I dd not even have the words to speak but I knew Jesus was at the Father's feet groaning on my behalf. Sometimes the answers come quickly and other times it takes years (sometimes 25 years). Sometimes God answers with yes but sometimes His says no. The important thing to remember is that God does know best and His timing is perfect.

After years of living in a male locker room, I can proudly shout from the roof top my answered prayer-"I HAVE A GIRL!"
Take a few minutes to pray for your children. Whether they are infants or all grown up, our kids still need parents who pray for them daily. Do not just ask God to bless them. Make your request specific to God. If you do not know a specific need your child has, ask them.

God bless you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Vickie!!! I know that you must be over the moon about getting a girl in the family. God does answer prayers, in His own time.