Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kindergarten Education

When we first started our blog several months ago, I gave a brief overview of myself. One of the issues I touched on was the fact that preschoolers give me hives. Now do not get me wrong. These little people are precious and adorable; however, I just do not understand them. Give me a roomful of teenagers and I can play all day but lock me in a roomful of preschoolers and I will just cry. On that note I must mention that for next three days I will be subbing in kindergarten with older four year olds and young five year olds.

Now these children are not quite preschoolers who can not potty by themselves. Also, unlike true preschoolers, I do not make me cry. However, these precious ones still stress me out. If you do not have total control of the room, chaos will erupt. Most cannot tie their shoes or zip their coats. Of course, there is the issue of standard school attire and having to tuck shirts in and manipulate belts. Then you have those kindergarteners who know their ABCs and 123s and who love to learn. But there are always those few who lag behind and cry because they do not understand. By noon, I am ready for a hunk of chocolate and a nap!

However, with all the stress of handling preschoolers/kindergarteners, the Lord is teaching me a few things. First, these little ones love you unconditionally. One minute you may have to pull their behavior card for something they did and the next minute they are running to hug you. Second, all of the children want the safety of their teacher within eye shot. Third, they are learning to help one another if the other classmate does not understand.

If you think about it each of the points relate to our relationship to our Heavenly Father. First, He loves us unconditionally. He may have to get our attention when we sin but we can always go running back into His loving arms. Second, true believers know that they are nothing without the safety of the Father. We should keep our focus on our Heavenly Father at all times. Third, as we grow in Christ we should share that knowledge with others who do not understand.

I guess subbing in the kindergarten area is okay. At least they are teaching me a few things about our Father. The Bible tells us that Jesus asked the disciples to allow the children to come to him and that we should learn from these little ones. Oh yeah, I guess they are making me look forward to the day when I have a grandbaby. Maybe by then I will have gotten over my fear of preschoolers and no longer break out in hives

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