Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Wise Woman

What do you think of when you hear the words, 'a wise woman'? My thought is usually - I want that - I want to be wise.

Proverbs 14:1 tells us, The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands."

To be wise, I believe we must learn obedience to God. We must be students of the word and actively apply that Word to our own life. As we grow in the knowledge of God through His Word, we begin to learn how to build our homes.

As a pastor, my husband, Doug spent long hours at church. I am sure you can relate to that as you serve with your husband in ministry. Even though we loved our call by God, it could at times be stressful, time consuming and exhausting. Satan loved those times. He was always waiting for us to let our guard down in our home.

When Doug came home, I looked for ways to make a place of peace, joy and rest for him. I knew he would have lots on his mind and needed a place he could let go for awhile.

The boys and I played a game called "king of the castle". About 15 minutes before it was time for dad to arrive, we began to prepare. We first got ourselves ready - clean faces, hands and clothes. I freshened my makeup and combed my hair. Preparation for our 'earthly king'.

As Doug entered the door we would all greet him. The boys and I would clap and yell, "Yea, the king is home - welcome home dad!" We would each hug him, tell him he was missed and give him our best smiles.

This was fun for the boys and a joy for me to see my husband's tired face turn into smiles. It was really a simple thing, but had great rewards. Doug loved to come home! He looked forward to his time with us.

There were many times that my day had been a disaster and I could easily have met him with all my problems. Taking those first few moments to celebrate Doug being home, set the tone for the evening. As a result, he was ready and willing to help each of us with any problem we were facing, later in the evening.

Greet your husband today with love and joy. Be a Wise Woman.

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