Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pastor Appreciation: Praying for Them

In the last post, I mentioned that we might "think outside of the box" when it comes to pastor appreciation month and one of the most essential and practical things we can do for our pastors.....pastor husbands to pray. Below is a list I compiled that you might want to use as a guide for some specific things you can pray. Perhaps you might want to post these on your refrigerator or mirror as a constant reminder to bring them before our ever hearing Father.

What better way to show your appreciation for all they do than to let them know you are praying. There have been many times when I honestly thought I was the only one praying for my husband...and it is a heavy load to bear. Just like in Exodus 17 "As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up--one on one side, one on the other--so that his hands remained steady till sunset." Ladies, what a ministry we could have!!! Our pastors grow weary and tired and we MUST "hold their hands up" through prayer so that the enemy would not win!!

Why not make a list of what you are praying and send it to another pastor or even their wife? Oh, what incredible joy and comfort it would bring me, as a pastor's wife, if I knew there were people praying these things for my husband! Why not let your husband know you are praying these specific things for him?

1. For protection from the work of satan and from sin.
2. For insight into scripture and an understanding of how to apply it to people.
3. To help him keep a soft heart in the face of difficult people.
4. For his personal spiritual growth and time with the Lord.
5. For a passion for the Word and for God and for His Church.
6. For boldness to speak the truth, and grace to speak it with humility.
7. Grace to hear and respond to Godly, constructive feedback.
8. That he would persevere through whatever trial he is facing.
9. That his children would grow up with a love for God and the Church.
10. That he would remain pure, and that his love for his wife would increase.
11. That you would know how to encourage him today.
12. That he would be saturated with the Holy Spirit.
13. For Godly wisdom to lead.
14. For him to make wise choices.
15. For his wife and children

1 comment:

TXGirl said...

This is great thanks!! I try to comment on my husbands facebook every so often. A prayer, a verse or just an I love you. I'll be using some of these.