Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You Know You Are a Mnister's Wife When

My blonde brain has been fading lately. I do not know if it because of the snow that Tennessee has been bombed with over the past week or something else. I mean, seriously girlfriends, have you ever seen this much snow in the south. For a couple of days my brain literally seemed to be on autopilot because all I wanted to do was watch old movies, read a book and eat. However, quite possibly my brain issue could stem from the fact that over the holidays I overindulged (that's an understatement) on the finer foods of the season, mainly chocolate. Now I am trying to rid myself of the "food baby" (yes, that's a phrase made up by the youth of our church) that has suddenly appeared overnight. I think it is cutting off the oxygen to my brain. At any rate I have awaken during the nights with some crazy thoughts for a blog spot. I thought I would share my thoughts on "You Know You Are a Mnister's Wife When. . . ."

You know you are a minister's wife when you host an open house for your church in your home and all the ladies look in your closets, cabinets, and drawers. (I really had this happen to me. They found the answer to boxers or briefs.)

You know you are a minister's wife when you get everyone in the family dressed and headed to church only to realize you forgot your panty hose and you are wearing two different shoes. (I've always said panty hoses are a pain and why can't we just wear flip flops every day.)

You know you are a minister's wife when chocolate is a main food group in your daily caloric intake. (Remember, dark chocolate has health benefits!)

You know you are a minister's wife when you're children tell their pastor father, who is lecturing and disciplining them after they have misbehaved, "Save your sermon preacher. It's not Sunday yet." (Oh yes, my child said that to his dad after he had watched Disney's Robin Hood.)

You know you are a minister's wife when you are a single parent on Sunday mornings. (I think we can all relate to that one.)

You know you are a minister's wife when someone cuts you off in traffic and you honk and that makes them do an obscene gesture to you. Later you discover they are a church member so you must pretend the incident never happened. (Really happened to me.)

You know you are a minister's wife when you wonder if it okay to slap a church member. (In Jesus' name of course)

Okay girlfriends, I have posted a few of my favorite thoughts. I asked a few of my friends to send their thoughts so I will post them later this week. However, now is your turn to response to respond to the topic. Please leave your comments to share with us. Remember, they can be funny or serious.


Tara said...

You know you're a minister's wife when feel like you are going to bite through your tongue during the monthly business meeting, pretty much every month!

Sara said...

....when no one speaks to you at a church you are visiting until they realize your are the minister's wife.