Friday, March 4, 2011

"THAT" Mom

I was "THAT" mom today at the grocery store. As I went up and down the aisles at our neighborhood Kroger, Piper went from her pleasant self to her "passionate" self. She did not understand that just because she was done with the shopping didn't mean that her mother was too.

As a passed the baking goods and tried to pick up some chicken, she started calling/chanting/wailing for her daddy. I felt like joining in. I really did wish Wally could appear from frozen foods and relieve me and her of her displeasure.

I gained a few sympathetic glances from some other moms who have been there and done that, but for the most part, no one else would make eye contact with me. I was "THAT" mom.

I could have given in. I could have given her what she wanted. I could have gone ahead and opened the powdered doughnuts (for my Sunday School Class) and allowed her to eat the whole bag.

But I couldn't really could I? I would have just set myself up to be "THAT" mom again next time.

Instead I had to teach Piper THAT she couldn't always have her way, THAT she wasn't in charge and THAT sometimes she would have to do something she didn't want to do. I needed to be "THAT" mom.

The longer I am a mom, the more I understand what Paul meant when he said that women would be saved through child-bearing. My kids teach me so much about our heavenly Father and they constantly keep me on my knees, praying that God would supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.

I am still processing today's lessons . . . wondering how God feels when I totally lose "it" with Him, and feeling thankful that He proves I am His by disciplining me. And after my attempt to pay our cell phone bill at the AT&T store, I am also thankful that He hears me when I don't even know how to pray. Let's just say, Passionate Piper made an appearance there too and I will need to go back to pay our bill!

So what has God taught you through your kiddos? I would love to hear your life lessons!

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