Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Passionate Piper

In my last post I told you a little about my soon-to-be 2 year-old, Piper. My husband, Wally, used the word "passionate" to describe her the other night and I could not agree more.

Just as she passionately ate that Popsicle, she does everything she does with just as much zeal. When she is happy, she is really happy. When she isn't happy, she really isn't happy. Like a lot of 2 year-old children, she can really lose it LARGE.

Whether she is gently playing with a dolly, giving it tender kisses or throwing the sippy across the room because it was filled with milk instead of juice - she does it passionately.

As Wally and I talked about her the other night, he shared that he was praying that God would redeem her passion for His purposes and glory. I thought that was a perfect, personalized prayer for Piper.

So, this morning, as she "passionately" displayed her displeasure of leaving the house, I prayed as I wrestled her into the car seat, that God would one day use this "passion" to accomplish His means. I prayed that God would turn her "passion" toward Himself and that she would fervently seek Him with all her heart.

This morning as I post I am hoping that you can add some stories of how God has redeemed one of your (or your own's) "old" ways to bring Him renown. Is there a story of how you have seen God use a personality trait from your old sinful nature to use in the new nature in which you now walk?

This mama is looking for a little encouragement here! Please share how you have seen God use the old to make good in the new.

1 comment:

Kathy Britton said...

What a PRECIOUS daughter!!