Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Betrayal by a Friend

As I have said time and again in many of my post, God has blessed me with many girlfriends. They encourage and inspire me. They pray for me and cry with me. Some of my dear friends live in other states. We have shared tons of laughs over chocolate chip cookies and Diet Cokes. However, although miles and distance keep us from seeing each other daily, our friendship is still strong because it is rooted in Jesus.

But what happens when a so-called friend betrays us? As ministers wives it is so hard to let our walls down and trust. We feel we have to protect our families and our lives. Yet when we finally open ourselves to another person who we hope will be our girlfriend sometimes that friendship goes sour.

Years ago at one of our churches I allowed a woman a few years older than me to be a friend. She seemed to love my family and even kept my children so my husband and I could have date nights. She was a children's Sunday School teacher and worked in our youth department. We shared many laughs and special times. However, one day she turned on our entire staff for no reason.

The things she did and said broke my heart. She embarrassed her family and caused many people to remove their children from her Sunday School class. Our church was forced to remove her from her teaching position. We not only lost a wonderful teacher but I lost a friend. A few months later I learned this precious lady was suffering from a medical condition that made her irrational. Still, the damage was done.

It has been many years since this friend betrayed my trust but the wound is still there. I have forgiven her but it took me several years to truly be able to trust in close friendships. Thankfully, God is good and has since provided me with truly wonderful, loving girlfriends.

Let me remind you, my dear sisters, that even our Lord was betrayed by a kiss from one of his cloest friends. He was handed over to be crucified for thirty pieces of silver. I have to believe that Jesus' heart broke because Judas chose to turn his back on the one person who could be the best friend he ever had. Yet Jesus did not give up on friendship. He allows us to be friends of God.

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