Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Are You Right With God?

It is super easy to get distracted with ministry and serving and going and doing and taking care of our families that we find ourselves neglecting the most important relationship we have! God! Before we know it we have become impatient, critical, discouraged, dissatisfied or fearful. One of the first things we must do in order to be right with God is to be willing to surrender!!

James 4:7 tells us to “Submit to God”…this simply means to arrange ourselves under His authority, His will, and His purposes. NOT a desire to serve God on our own terms but a desire to live according to His Word. We have two other authorities that are calling for us to “arrange ourselves” under. Pride and satan. James 3 says that “God is opposed to the proud” and James 4:7 goes on to tell us to “resist the devil”.

“Resist” means to “draw the line”. It is an imperative. We have no choice. We must draw the line! We will either draw the line against God and choose our own will or we will draw the line against pride and the devil!

Sweet ladies…I find this is super hard to do!! Submitting to God and resisting the devil….but I know it is a MUST if I am to be right with God. AND it is beautiful as we “arrange ourselves” under His authority we are under His umbrella of protection!

I don’t know if you have had the rain where you are like we have….but I am daily in need of an umbrella to stay protected from the rain. Even more so are we in need of the Godly umbrella of protection as we remain under His authority! We would never think of running out from under an umbrella during a torrential rainstorm…why in the world do we run out from under His umbrella??

Stay dry....stay protected!

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