Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer Memories

I have some of the best summer memories from when I was a kid. I loved spending a week at my grandparents, fishing, gardening, staying up late, and eating s'mores.

This week, my oldest, Riley is spending with her grammie in Ohio. They are swimming, visiting museums, riding amusement park rides, spending time with cousins and having a fantastic time.

As a result, my house has been much, much quieter. It really is amazing how much an eight year old girl can talk!

I am glad that she is up there making her own summer memories. She is always wanting me to tell her stories from my memories. I told her that she was making the memories that she would one day tell as stories to her children, if the Lord wills. I want her to take mental snapshots and really savor this special time she is spending with her Ohio family.

It is so easy to wish away days, to long for cooler temps or a less busy time of year. Let me encourage you to treasure each day as the blessing that it is. God's word reminds us that He hasn't promised us tomorrow. So, there is nothing wrong with taking time savor today. Truly take time this summer to live each day, counting your blessings by taking your own mental snapshots and making your own summer memories.

What do you want to remember about this summer? What do you want to remember about today?

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