Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Motivations

Like many of your summer calendar's, my month of June became really full really fast. And like many of your calendars, the church calendar and my own look strikingly similar.

I have often -honesty alert- resented that fact: that the church seemed to dictate my calendar. Every other member got to decide which events to attend and which activities they felt led to volunteer for. But, being a minister's wife, those luxuries weren't mine. I was expected not only to be there, and to volunteer, but also to lead and plan and know what was going on. As result my attitude was often lousy, but I would put on my best "church face" and fake it.

This summer my room was decorated and the lesson planned for the first day of VBS when I opened my Bible for my quiet time that first morning. I read in Psalms how privileged I was to get to tell the next generation about our God. I was instantly convicted and excited about my opportunity that day. No, my heart had not been in the right place, and I had not even realized it, but God still wanted to use me.

In my quiet time on the last day of VBS I read another Psalm that spoke of "generations." It was a reminder that God is faithful to all generations and that His faithfulness is an enduring one. I am thankful that He continues to be faithful to me especially when my heart is far from Him.

So let me encourage you as you face your summer calendar this year to take a moment and check your motivations. Make sure you are serving out of a pure heart and. remember that nothing on your calendar will come to pass if it isn't in God's sovereign hands. He has a purpose for you this summer and His plans are higher, better than our own.

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