Tuesday, September 6, 2011


School has started and I imagine that homework is slowing being introduced into the daily lives of those of you who have school-aged children. When my boys were in grade school, it seemed that every night was spent drilling math facts or doing book reports. My sons, even Ricky and I, often bemoaned the mounds of homework. However, as parents, we stressed that homework was a way educators helped you understand the lessons.

Well, I personally have been doing some God homework. It seems God is trying to teach me a lesson or two. To say this summer has been trying is an understatement. It seems a new trial appears daily while I am still trying to understand the last trial which is not resolved. I even found myself just wanting to give up and throw in the towel. This homework God has assigned has left me weary, teary eyed, and sometimes even angry.

You have to understand that learning a lesson has always been difficult for me. Take math for example. One of my earliest memories is of second grade and trying to understand how 2 + 2=4. Then ninth grade comes along and we are expected to grasps the concept of A + B + C=D. Seriously! I was still working on the 2 + 2 issue. Next came Geometry and well, we will not even go into the frustration that course brought me. I was so bad in math that when I went to college I started out in beginner Algebra for no credit. After hours of homework and paying for tutors, I finally understood enough of math to pass the needed courses. Let me just say that when I learned I never had to take another math course again I shouted for joy.

While I am working through God assigned homework, I am learning that no amount of peanut M & Ms will solve the problem. I must be willing to let Him be the teacher and to show me, very slowly, how things will work out for the best. My only lesson book is The Word. There are days when the only prayers I can mutter are scriptures. On some days I feel I have passed homework, but on other days I know I have failed miserably.

I hate homework! Always have and always will. However, God has assigned this homework for me to draw closer to Him and to understand that His plan is much greater than what I can imagine.

So girlfriends, how are you doing on your God homework?

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