Thursday, December 29, 2011

Post Christmas Peace

Oh Wow!

I wish you could see my house right now. Talk about transparency! It is 11:00 at night and we have just returned from our final Christmas celebration with my Ohio family. The carnage is everywhere. There is not a room untouched by the wreckage that was our celebrating, packing and returning.

The living room has piles of clean laundry waiting to be put away. The hall is piled with opened gifts awaiting a new home. There is still a pile of empty action figure wrappings in the den beside an obviously played with dollhouse. The dishes in the dishwasher are clean, but there remains a pile to take their place once the clean ones have vacated the machine.

I checked. I have 48 unread, unanswered emails. There are work issues that wouldn't go away over the holiday. I did buy some things for better organization in the new year, but there is a big difference between having them bought and having put them to use. And I am two days behind in my Bible reading plan.

The girls fell asleep in the car and easily made the transition to pajamas and bed. Wally is resting his weary, interstate blurred eyes. The house is a wreck, but wonderfully quiet. Despite the turmoil and upheaval all around me. There is peace.

This peace is more than my babies sleeping or the lack of noise. It is obviously not from a completed to-do list and an orderly, well-put-together house. Yes, there are all kinds of church political issues and sticky situations, so it isn't about the perfect ministry position. Those things would all be nice, but this peace is not found in any of those wonderful things.

I am at peace with my Creator. The God of the Universe and I are on good terms. His Son has made it so.

The important things are in order. There is peace.

Now, I am going to bed! Night!

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