Monday, April 30, 2012

Do the what and wait for the how

What an amazing weekend it was getting to spend a few days with Tennessee minister’s wives at the retreat!!  It was fun!  Refreshing!  Challenging!  Encouraging!  And we ate a ton of yummy food!  Thank you Lana and the planning team for all of the hard work and prayer and time you put into making it so special for all of us!

We had such sweet times of sharing during my sessions thanks to Jeannie Davis who sensed God wanted her to relinquish her time to me and was so willing to be obedient to Him!  Thank you Jeannie!

I learned so much this weekend and the main thing is this.  Do (or follow or pursue or go after) the “what” and wait for the “how”!!  I don’t know if this makes sense—but it means, do, go after, follow whatever it is God is telling you to do/be/say and don’t worry about the “how”!  He will work out the “how”!!  That is exactly what happened this weekend with me!

I felt God wanted me to talk “with” the ladies as opposed to talk “to” them…which I was all excited about and super willing to do.  I would simply not do all of the ‘material’ I had prepared and take more time with just one.  But then, later, I also felt the Lord wanted me to do the other material….and so there would be no time to “slow it down” for the first session.  I was confused.  Was I hearing Him wrong? 

Bottom line—I heard God right.  He was not contradicting Himself.  I was just too focused on the “how” instead of doing the "what" and waiting for Him to show me the how!  He had the “how” all worked out!  He knew Jeannie was going to relinquish her time to me.  She didn’t know it.  I didn’t know it.  But He knew it!

Ladies!  Let’s all grasp that concept.  Not sure what the first word needs to be—I am totally open to ideas!!  Do/pursue/go after/follow the what and wait for the how!

By the way—I will finish up the last session during this week’s blog—Lord willing!


Pat said...

Sorry I had to miss it!! But, got to spend a wonderful unexpected weekend with my son, daughter-in-law and the grandbabies making wonderful memories before they move 6+ hours away this week. So glad y'all had a great weekend. Looking forward to the blog this week and to seeing you in September!!

Sara said...

I really needed this. Been strugglying with somethings and knew God wanted me to do it just was not sure how. Seems I don't need to know the how. Thank you so much.

lam324 said...

Still very excited about this weekend and feeling a load of rocks lighter I must say. I had a funny thing happen this Sunday but I was able to laugh it off and say "So What!"