Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Grand Scheme and Every Deail

Romans 8:28 “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, those who are called according to His purpose.”

Sometimes it is hard for me to comprehend that God can control the universe.  Out there beyond what I can see, the universe is full of cosmic events-stars exploding; comets crisscrossing paths with asteroids; and our planets perfectly placed around the sun.  Here on earth, life for billions of people goes on daily.  There are major economic issues, wars, illness, births, and much more yet God perfectly plans the events in His grand scheme.

It is really difficult to imagine that God knows every detail of my life and that He has a purpose for every one of them.  For a while I could not understand why God would move us from our ministry in Tennessee.  However, He knew that shortly after arriving at our new ministry here in Arkansas that my mom would be told she only had a few months to live and be placed in hospice care.  I certainly can’t understand why our house in Tennessee has not sold but God knows I cannot drop caring for Mom in order to relocate to a new house right now.  Then of course, we live in a temporary home that is fully furnished from towels or pots and pans and all we have to do is pay utilities.  God knew that in the midst of Mom’s illness I would not be able to work and that there would be no way we could pay rent and a mortgage.  Yes, He even knows the dark days when discouragement or weariness takes root in my life because it never fails I receive a sweet card from a friend or a bag of M & Ms (my favorite) from a church member.

Yes, God has a grand scheme for His creation and He knows every detail of our lives.  I would love to hear how God is directing your life in His grand scheme. 

1 comment:

Sara said...

Been praying for you.